
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Three Victims of Karl Marx (History's Greatest Monster)

Preface: Did you know, there are supposed to be more hookers, then married women, but you switched places? And gigalos, are just supposed to talk to you, but now they marry the new hooker instead, and just talk to you, anyways? Karl Marx was against this, so he invented some way, for photographic memory, to ruin all time, called ‘citations’, in the police system, of university textbooks for books.  He researched university fraud, the basis of his work, Das Kapital, in a library, with a little shrimp container in a metal tin with ice, from his children’s diapers, after Jack Chartley (Norton, Massachusetts allstar) got him married to be a “real British spy” (a death in the gutter after a life writing like a maniac). Now, we have the OWL/MLA format, so when a photographic memory, takes a quiz in class, and a hooker (the old one) sits next to them, a Jewish professor thinks you were cheating off another student, and she marries your arch-foe, as if you were meant to be together, and he ste